The aim of this project was to describe the methodology used to propose design guidelines for accessible pedestrian infrastructures that are applicable in the province of Quebec's context. Three groups of experts were consulted separately: 1) individuals with motor, visual, and hearing disabilities (n=15), 2) health clinicians and researchers (n=11), 3) municipal employees, representatives from public transportation agencies and from the ministry of transportation. These experts identified accessible and applicable design features from the scientific and grey literature through nominal group consensus.
The poster below was presented in Montreal 2017 at the 2e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation:
Gamache, S., Routhier, F., Morales, E., Vandersmissen, M-H., Boucher, N., McFadyen, B.J., Noreau L. (2017, May 18-19). Développement de lignes directrices de conception d’aménagements piétonniers accessibles: Consultation d’experts Poster presentation at the 2e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation, May 18-19, Montreal, QC.