Strategy matrix for fostering quality participation among persons with disabilities in community-based exercise programs...
Sport & Exercise Resources and Publications
Volunteer Training and Management
Quality Participation on Playgrounds Resources
Focus: Sport & Exercise

SCI Step Together: A physical activity program for individuals with spinal cord injury who walk
SCI Step Together is an 8-week program created for individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) who walk to become more physically active. The program helps people...
Inclusion Module: Volunteering in Disability Sport
Welcome to the Inclusion Module for disability sport event volunteers!
The following Disability Inclusion Module was...
Focus: Sport & Exercise
Canadian Physical Activity Report Card for Children & Adolescents with Disabilities
The Disability Report Card is Canada's first-ever comprehensive summary of physical activity data for children and adolescents with disabilities....
Impact of the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic on the Movement Behaviours of Children and Youth with Disabilities and Recommendations for Building Back Better Healthy Movement Opportunities
The movement behaviours – physical activity, recreational screen time and sleep – of children and youth with disabilities (CYD) have been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The decline in...
Focus: Sport & Exercise

Getting the message across: A collaborative approach to establishing recommendations for the development and dissemination of physical activity information targeting parents of children with disabilities
A report detailing the process and outcomes of a stakeholder workshop to establish recommendations for the development and dissemination of physical activity...
COVID-19: Supporting the physical and mental health of families of children with disabilities
A resource to help support families of children with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic with their mental and physical health.
Ability Insights: Winter 2020 Issue
The CDPP's Sport and Exercise Team is excited to share their Winter 2020 Ability Insights newsletter. In this 4th issue of the family-focused newsletter you will find information on:...
Quality of Participation Measure and Guide
CDPP researchers have developed a measure to evaluate the quality of participation for people with disabilities across employment, mobility, and sport and exercise life domains.
Policy Governing Sport and Exercise for People with Disabilities in Canada
NEW: Scientific Exercise Guidelines for Adults with SCI
An International, European and Canadian panel of experts including stakeholders representing SCI consumers & other stakeholder groups developed new evidence-based scientific exercise...
Toolkits & Catalogues
Disability and Physical Activity Program Evaluation Toolkit
Welcome to the Disability and Physical Activity Program Evaluation Toolkit!...
Focus: Sport & Exercise
Tips and Tricks for Developing and Disseminating Physical Activity Information for Families of Children with Disabilities
Evidence-Informed Recommendations: Tips and Tricks for Developing and Disseminating Physical Activity Information for Families of Children with...
Disability and Exercise Training Resources for Health Care and Exercise Professionals
The suite of CDPP Disability and Exercise Training resources present six evidence-informed steps along with key considerations for health...
Focus: Sport & Exercise

Story-Based Practical Resource for Coaches and Coach Educators in Disability Sport
This creative nonfiction (i.e., an evidence-informed short story) was created as a learning tool for disability sport coaches in entry level and developmental coaching domains. This tool is...
A Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
A Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder was developed in partnership with...
A Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children and Youth with Intellectual Disabilities
A Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children and Youth with Intellectual Disabilities was developed in partnership...
Accessibility, Inclusion, and Quality Participation
A Quick Guide to Accessibility, Inclusion, and Quality Participation provides concise definitions of accessibility, inclusion, and quality...
A Catalogue of Resources for Health and Recreation Practitioners
Supporting Physical Activity among Canadians with Physical Disabilities: Resources for...
Ability Toolkit
The Ability Toolkit: A Resource for Parents of Children and Youth with a Disability is a parent-centered resource aimed to help...
The Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children, Youth, and Adults with a Disability including Quality Participation Checklist Audit Tool
Focus: Sport & Exercise

Evidence-Based Strategies for Building Quality Participation in Sports for Children, Youth, and Adults with Disability
This report was developed as a supplement to The Blueprint for...
Physical Activity, Active Living, and Sport Resource Catalogue
Online resources for Canadians living with disabilities
Knowledge Translation Bulletins
Developing evidence informed strategies to foster quality participation on playgrounds
This KT Bulletin summarizes the rigorous, multi-step process that Dr. Arbour-Nicitopoulos and her research team undertook to develop 25 evidence informed...
Working with Athletes with a Disability: Through a Coach's Lens
This knowledge translation bulletin summarizes a 2018 report examining coaches’ perceptions and experiences working with athletes with a disability. ...
Development of a Story-Based Practical Resource for Coaches and Coach Educators in Disability Sport
This knowledge translation bulletin summarizes research that uses a creative nonfiction to model and teach behaviours that foster quality sport experiences for athletes with disabilities to...
Quality Participation in Military Veterans with an Acquired Physical Disability
This knowledge translation bulletin summarizes published research that examines the experiential elements of quality participation and pathways through which military veterans with an acquired...
Evidence-informed recommendations for designing inclusive playgrounds to enable play participation for children with disabilities
This knowledge translation bulletin summarizes a scoping review that analyzed existing literature on inclusive playground design. Thirteen evidence-informed recommendations and one promising...
Fostering Quality Participation for Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
This knowledge translation bulletin identifies that the building blocks of quality experiences are relevant to children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It outlines a...
Physical Activity Among Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries Who Walk
This knowledge translation bulletin summarizes published research that examines physical activity among individuals living with a spinal cord injury (SCI) who have some ability to walk, or...
Strategies to Support Teachers Who Deliver Inclusive Physical Education Classes
This knowledge translation bulletin outlines strategies to best support teachers working in inclusive physical education so that they can acquire the tools they need to provide a richer and more...
Seven Themes of Successful Physical Activity Programs for People with Disabilities
This knowledge translation bulletin identifies the seven themes of all successul recreational and exercise programs designed for people with disabilities.
Sport & Exercise Participation and Disability: A Blueprint for Change
This document outlines the factors that influence sport and exercise participation for people with physical disabilities.
Rethinking the meaning of "Participation" for people with disabilities
The purpose of this document is to encourage community programmers, rehabilitation specialists, policy makers and researchers to better understand the nature of participation by people with...
More Resources and Publications
Developing evidence informed strategies to foster quality participation on playgrounds
This KT Bulletin summarizes the rigorous, multi-step process that Dr. Arbour-Nicitopoulos and her research team undertook to develop 25 evidence informed...
Disability and Physical Activity Program Evaluation Toolkit
Welcome to the Disability and Physical Activity Program Evaluation Toolkit!...
Original Publication Date: August, 2023
Focus: Sport & Exercise
Tips and Tricks for Developing and Disseminating Physical Activity Information for Families of Children with Disabilities
Evidence-Informed Recommendations: Tips and Tricks for Developing and Disseminating Physical Activity Information for Families of Children with...
Disability and Exercise Training Resources for Health Care and Exercise Professionals
The suite of CDPP Disability and Exercise Training resources present six evidence-informed steps along with key considerations for health...
Original Publication Date: June, 2022
Focus: Sport & Exercise
Files:Disability & Exercise Training - User Guide for Website.png,
1-Key Steps for Health Care and Exercise Professionals.pdf,
2-Disability and Exercise Training A 6-Step Guide.pdf,
3-Disability and Exercise Training A 6-Step Companion Guide.pdf,
4-Development of Disability and Exercise Training Resources.pdf,
5-Defining and Describing Disability for Exercise Providers.pdf
Working with Athletes with a Disability: Through a Coach's Lens
This knowledge translation bulletin summarizes a 2018 report examining coaches’ perceptions and experiences working with athletes with a disability. ...
Development of a Story-Based Practical Resource for Coaches and Coach Educators in Disability Sport
This knowledge translation bulletin summarizes research that uses a creative nonfiction to model and teach behaviours that foster quality sport experiences for athletes with disabilities to...
Story-Based Practical Resource for Coaches and Coach Educators in Disability Sport
This creative nonfiction (i.e., an evidence-informed short story) was created as a learning tool for disability sport coaches in entry level and developmental coaching domains. This tool is...
Quality Participation in Military Veterans with an Acquired Physical Disability
This knowledge translation bulletin summarizes published research that examines the experiential elements of quality participation and pathways through which military veterans with an acquired...
Evidence-informed recommendations for designing inclusive playgrounds to enable play participation for children with disabilities
This knowledge translation bulletin summarizes a scoping review that analyzed existing literature on inclusive playground design. Thirteen evidence-informed recommendations and one promising...
A Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
A Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder was developed in partnership with...
A Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children and Youth with Intellectual Disabilities
A Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children and Youth with Intellectual Disabilities was developed in partnership...
Fostering Quality Participation for Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
This knowledge translation bulletin identifies that the building blocks of quality experiences are relevant to children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It outlines a...
Accessibility, Inclusion, and Quality Participation
A Quick Guide to Accessibility, Inclusion, and Quality Participation provides concise definitions of accessibility, inclusion, and quality...
Physical Activity Among Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries Who Walk
This knowledge translation bulletin summarizes published research that examines physical activity among individuals living with a spinal cord injury (SCI) who have some ability to walk, or...
The Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children, Youth, and Adults with a Disability including Quality Participation Checklist Audit Tool
Original Publication Date: January, 2020
Focus: Sport & Exercise
Files:Quality Participation Blueprint.pdf,
Quality Participation Blueprint_French.pdf,
CDPP Quality of Participation Evidence Summary.pdf,
CDPP Quality Participation Blueprint Worksheet.xlsx,
Quality Participation Quick Guide 1.pdf,
Quality Participation Quick Guide1_French.pdf,
Quality Participation Quick Guide 2.pdf,
Quality Participation Quick Guide 2_French.pdf
Strategies to Support Teachers Who Deliver Inclusive Physical Education Classes
This knowledge translation bulletin outlines strategies to best support teachers working in inclusive physical education so that they can acquire the tools they need to provide a richer and more...
Ability Insights: Spring/Summer 2019 Issue
The CDPP’s Sport & Exercise Team is excited to share their 3rd issue of Ability Insights, a family-focused newsletter. In this issue you will find information on the Special Olympics...
A Catalogue of Resources for Health and Recreation Practitioners
Supporting Physical Activity among Canadians with Physical Disabilities: Resources for...
Ability Toolkit
The Ability Toolkit: A Resource for Parents of Children and Youth with a Disability is a parent-centered resource aimed to help...
CDPP Sport & Exercise Team's Family-Focused Newsletter – Fall 2018 Issue
The CDPP's Family-Focused Sport and Exercise Team is excited to share the second issue of their newsletter, now named ...
CDPP Sport & Exercise Team's Family-Focused Newsletter – Spring 2018 Issue
This seasonal newsletter is one way the CDPP Family-Focused Sport and Exercise Team will connect regularly with kids with disabilities and their families, along with community organizations and...
Evidence-Based Strategies for Building Quality Participation in Sports for Children, Youth, and Adults with Disability
This report was developed as a supplement to The Blueprint for...
Key components for developing successful physical activity interventions for people with physical disability
Understanding the key ingredients of what makes an intervention successful is important for developing effective physical activity strategies for people with physical disability. In this meta-...
Seven Themes of Successful Physical Activity Programs for People with Disabilities
This knowledge translation bulletin identifies the seven themes of all successul recreational and exercise programs designed for people with disabilities.
National approaches to promote sports and physical activity in adults with disabilities: Examples from the Netherlands and Canada
This open access article describes how the Dutch and Canadian governments promote high performance sports, recreational sports, and physical activity among adults with disabilities on a...
Sport & Exercise Participation and Disability: A Blueprint for Change
This document outlines the factors that influence sport and exercise participation for people with physical disabilities.
Rethinking the meaning of "Participation" for people with disabilities
The purpose of this document is to encourage community programmers, rehabilitation specialists, policy makers and researchers to better understand the nature of participation by people with...
Developing physical activity guidelines for people with spinal cord injury
Research informing people with spinal cord injury on how much exercise to do and how often was conducted by Dr. Jan van der Scheer at the Peter Harrison Centre for Disability Sport as part of his...
Synthesis of qualitative research on participant’s perceptions of physical activity-enhancing interventions for people with physical disabilities
This paper is a synthesis of 10 research papers that explored participants’ experiences and perceptions of PA-enhancing interventions for adults with physical impairments resulting in...
What Constitutes 'Quality' Participation?
CDPP’s focus is on improving not just the number of people with disabilities participating, but also the quality of participation. It is important that we have a clear -
A blueprint for addressing barriers to physical activity participation for people with disabilities in the recreation and health care sectors
Purpose: Dozens of published papers cite factors related to leisure time physical activity (LTPA) participation among...
We need data on physical activity among people with disabilities
The following article, written by Kathleen Martin Ginis, was published in the Hamilton Spectator (April 5, 2016) and highlights the importance of having data on phyiscal activity participation...
Original Publication Date: April, 2016
Focus: Sport & Exercise
Physical Activity, Active Living, and Sport Resource Catalogue
Online resources for Canadians living with disabilities