April 2023: CDPP Publication List

Issue Date: April 2023
A Message from the Project Director Dear Canadian Disability Participation Project Researchers, Community Partners, Trainees and Supporters, We have filed our final report with SSHRC for the Canadian Disability Participation Project, bringing the project to an official end. I am pleased to provide...

August 2021 Newsletter

Issue Date: August 2021
Last CDPP Annual Survey & Exit Interviews The KT team invites all CDPP researchers, trainees and community partners to complete a short survey to evaluate the impact of the CDPP network. If you have received an invitation via email, please consider taking 5-10 minute of your day to complete...

July 2020 Newsletter

Issue Date: July 2020
Results from the CDPP Annual Survey Between November 2019 and January 2020, members (n=34) of the CDPP (researchers, trainees, partners) completed a short survey to evaluate the impact of the CDPP network. The majority of the participants (79%) are (highly) satisfied with the way the people and...

January 2020 Newsletter

Issue Date: January 2020
Thank you for completing the CDPP Annual Survey 2019 Between November 2019 and January 2020, members of the CDPP were invited to complete a short survey to evaluate the impact of the CDPP network. The KT Team would like to thank you for your time and effort to complete this survey. An infographic...
