The purposes of the study are 1) to describe how Canadian and Dutch governments promote high performance, recreational sports and physical activity among adults with disabilities on national level, and 2) to identify similarities and differences between both governmental approaches. Results indicated that both governments use different strategies to promote recreational sports and physical activities among people with disabilities. Moreover, the study discusses differences in governments’ views on the extent to which disability sports are integrated into non-disabled sports.
A poster was presented at the International Congress on Activity and Public Health in Bangkok:
Hoekstra, F., Roberts, L., van Lindert, C., Martin Ginis, K. A., van der Woude, L. H. V., & McColl. M. A. National approaches to promote sports and physical activity in adults with disabilities: a comparison between Canada and The Netherlands. In: Congress book of the 6th ISPAH International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health; 2016 November 16 – 19; Bangkok, Thailand: Abstract no: 708.