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Despite the importance of physical activity, the evidence for effective intervention strategies for manual wheelchair (MWC) users is underdeveloped. Community-based programs and telephone-counselling interventions to increase physical activity among MWC users have had some success, but the uptake and adherence to these interventions remains low within this population. Although the physical activity needs of MWC users are not fully understood, there is reason to believe that including peers into intervention delivery may have benefits. This study will evaluate the feasibility of a Smartphone-delivered Peer-led Physical Activity Counselling (SPPAC) program for MWC users.

The following poster was presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Progress in Rehabilitation Research 2016:

Best SPPAC development poster preview image

Best KL, Routhier F, Sweet SN, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Borisoff JF, Noreau L, Martin Ginis KA. Development of a smartphone-delivered Peer Physical Activity Counselling Program for Manual Wheelchair Users: A Mixed-methods Approach. Proceedings from the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, IL, October 30-Nov 4, 2016.

The following poster was presented at the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics Conference 2017:

Best, K., Routhier , F., Sweet, S., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K., Borisoff, J., Noreau, L., Martin Ginis K., Canadian Disability Participation Project. (2017, May 8-11) Refinement of a smartphone-delivered peer physical activity counselling program for manual wheelchair users. Poster presentation at the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.

The poster below, presented at the 2e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation in Montreal 2017, outlines a study that is part of the SPPAC development and evaluation project. The purpose of this project is to validate the use of Actigraphy to objectively measure physical activity in manual wheelchair users. Data analyses for this study is near completion, with a manuscript anticipated for submission by July 31, 2017. This project is a link between the CDPPP Mobility and Sport & Exercise Teams.

Bourassa S, Best KL, Routhier F, Borisoff JF, Martin Ginis KA. (2017, May 18-19) Use of Actigraphy to measure  physical activity in manual wheelchair users in the real world. Poster presentation at the 2e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation, May 18-19, Montreal, QC.

The following poster was presented at the Oceania Seating Symposium in New Zealand, November 2017:

Best KL, Routhier F, Sweet SN, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Borisoff JF, Noreau L, Martin Ginis KA. Development and evaluation of a ‘Smartphone-delivered Peer Physical Activity Counselling’ program for manual wheelchair users. Oceania Seating Symposium, Mauriora: Empowerment, control, choice. Rotorua, NZ, Nov 20-22, 2017.