July 2019 Newsletter

Issue Date: July 2019
The CDPP is hard at work on a Cross-Cutting project that brings together the Employment, Mobility, and Sport & Exercise teams to look at what factors predict, and what outcomes are associated with, quality participation in sport, exercise, employment and mobility for Canadians with a physical...

February 2019 Newsletter

Issue Date: February 2019
Key Findings of CDPP Annual Survey 2018 In August/September 2018, all members of the CDPP were invited to complete a short survey to evaluate the impact of the CDPP network. The KT Team created an infographic of the key findings of the annual survey 2018 including some points to be aware of in 2019...

November 2018 Newsletter

Issue Date: November 2018
Thank you for completing the CDPP Annual Questionnaire 2018 In August/September 2018, all members of the CDPP were invited to complete a short questionnaire to evaluate the impact of the CDPP network. The KT Team would like to thank you for your time and effort to complete this questionnaire. All...

September 2018

Issue Date: September 2018
NEW! CDPP Community Partner We are excited to welcome our newest community partner, Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities , to the CDPP Team. Jumpstart is a national charity whose goal is to help children overcome accessibility and financial barriers to participation in sport and recreation to promote...
